Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Christus Victor Lutheran Church

Lord, In Your Mercy, Hear Our Prayers...




Rich Burke, who is suffering with back problems

Molly Chamberlain, friend of Doni Schroeder, who has been diagnosed with ALS

Wayland Greene, who is recovering from surgery

Lita Hendrick, friend of Janet Robinson, who has multiple serious illnesses

Jack Malloy, Scott Malloy's father, who is having surgery on January 20

Lisa Menard, step-mother of Robyn Westphal, who is continuing to battle lung cancer

Bill Nix, Randy Cannon's brother-in-law, who was recently diagnosed with cancer

Megan Schroeder, daughter of Doni and Bear Schroeder, who is recovering from neck surgery

Lynn Smith, friend of Doni Schroeder, who has been diagnosed with 2 cancers in last 4 months

Eric Stapleton, friend of Janet Robinson, who suffered a stroke

Marie Stapleton, friend of Janet Robinson, who is recovering from surgery

Sharon Weber, who is recovering from surgery



Marie Marszalek, Eddy Mae Murphy, Lana Rosenbeck



Nancy Hulon


A Special Measure of Your Grace

For family and friends of Eileen Dean, who passed away

For veterans and those serving in the military















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© 2009-2022 Christus Victor Lutheran Church


