Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Christus Victor Lutheran Church

Ministry Teams

Christian Education

This team will oversee the conduct and promotion of the Sunday Church School and all other educational programming of the congregation. It shall encourage the use of teaching materials which are in accord with the confession of faith of the congregation, as well as provide for the upkeep of a church library. The coordinator of the team may serve as the Superintendent of the Sunday Church School.


This team is responsible for administering the financial support of the congregation's ministry.   The treasurer and financial secretary (if there is one) shall be members ex officio of the team.  It shall prepare a draft program proposal for the succeeding year, including this congregation's full share support of the wider ministry being carried on in its behalf by the ELCA and the synod, and shall submit such draft program proposal to the Congregation Council for action and later presentation to a congregational meeting.   The team shall also assist the other teams of the congregation in the preparation of their individual program proposals and exercise oversight of all the financial affairs of the congregation to make sure that they are being conducted efficiently, giving particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations and to the regular forwarding of benevolence monies to the synodical treasurer.  It shall, subject to the approval of the Congregation Council, be responsible for the congregation's investments and its total insurance program.  It shall provide for annual audits of the accounts of the treasurer and the financial secretary as well as any other accounts of the congregation of its auxiliaries.  


This team is responsible for promoting the expression of Christian faith in daily living, especially as that expression involves a person's use of their time, talent, and treasure.  By educating members as to the congregation's needs for doing local, national, and worldwide ministry, it shall seek to lead the congregation's members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord's work.  This team shall also be responsible for the annual Every Member Response and other efforts to promote grateful giving of time and money in total support of the congregation's program of congregational members and provide the results of such surveys to appropriate organizations of the congregation.   It shall also ensure that there is proper recognition of all volunteer efforts made by individual members.

Mutual Ministry

The primary purpose of the Mutual Ministry Team is affirming and strengthening the mission of the congregation through the ministry of the staff.  This is done through regular meetings where team members listen and clarify, share and communicate, and review and reflect.  Each meeting of the team is meant to promote a healthy conversation about God's mission and ministry at Christus Victor.

Parish Life

This team is responsible for providing programs which enhance the interpersonal relationships among the congregation's members.  As such, this team will support the development of programs of congregationa fellowship which may include but are not limited to: Women's and Men's auxiliaries, youth groups, and adult and congregational fellowship groups.  It will also evaluate and make specific recommendations regarding the effectiveness of interparish communication and aid in the development of effective means for the communication of relevant information through newletters, bulletins, prayer chains, and other means deemed desirable.  It shall also develop and support a program for assisting families of the congregation during time of need.


This team is responsible for the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation and will take care that the same is kept in good repair.


This team is responsible for providing a program of witness ministry which:calls persons into an active involvement in the mission of Christ's Church; seeks out unchurched persons in our community to offer them the joy and support of our Christian fellowship and to receive from them the unique contributions each has to offer; engages in dialogue with those members who drift away from active participation in our fellowship in order their concerns may be heard; encourages and equips members to continue in their witness to the Lordship of Christ in their daily life experiences and relationships; and involves those who do respond to our invitation, integrating new members into the mainstream of congregational life and mission in such a way that their talents may be actualized and their faith nurtured. This team is also responsible for extending Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned, and in general, to persons of all ages in need of aid in body or soul. It shall further have the duty to study social conditions, primarily but not exclusively in the local community, in order to bring the cleansing and healing light of Christian truth to bear upon critical problems through thoughtful Christian discussion of facts and issues and recommend appropriate response through congregational programs.

Worship and Music

This team is responsible for assisting the Congregation Council in seeing that the services of worship are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA.  The team shall provide for the recruitment, training, and scheduling of worship assistant as ushers, lay readers and assistant, acolytes, greeters, and nursery attendants.  It shall also arrange for the care of paraments, vestments, musical instruments, worship furnishings and vessels, and in consultation with the pastor(s), musician(s), choir director(s), and council shall furnish music supplies appropriate for use in the worship life of the congregation.  The team shall also provide for the furnishing of supplies needed for the celebration of the Sacraments.


This team works to support the youth ministry of the congregation by providing a forum for youth and adults to establish both a network of communication and a set of policy guidelines by which the youth program will be governed.  It establishes a vital link between the youth and Congregation Council.

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