WELCA is an easy way to say Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
WELCA is for all women of our congregation. All are invited to join for monthly meetings with Bible study, lunch and fellowship or participate in service projects that benefit the congregation, community or world. We also have an annual weekend retreat at the Isle of Palms in January or February. Enjoy getting to know other members in a relaxed setting, experience worship and Bible study while also enjoying food and fun. Check the church calendar for meeting days and times!
Our Purpose Statement:
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.
Women of the ELCA
Our next monthly Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday, September 19th at 6:30pm. We are using the book entitled 50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Heroines of the Faith by Michelle DeRusha. New and used copies, as well as the Kindle version, are available on Amazon. We will discuss chapters 8, 9 and 10 on Anne Askew, Anne Hutchinson and Anne Bradstreet, respectively. There will be time for catching up with one another and for prayer requests. If you are interested in joining us and have not been receiving the Zoom link each month, please let Patti know at patti.addison@gmail.com or 803-331-6066.
Our women’s book club (separate from the WELCA group in the previous paragraph) was formed in 1998 by Jean Sox and Sue Williams (formerly Sue Oliver) and met for over 20 years until COVID-19 disrupted our meetings. Through the years, we have also welcomed a few ladies who are not affiliated with Christus Victor. We have just begun meeting again. The group meets in person at a member’s home on the third Monday of each month. Everyone brings an appetizer, dessert, or beverage to share and we have an assigned book and facilitator each month. The next meeting will be on Monday, September 18th at 6:30pm. The book for September is The Seed Keeper: A Novel by Diane Wilson and the discussion will be led by Jean Sox. We usually have a good mix of fiction and non-fiction, with one classic per year (which we just completed). If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Patti, Jean Sox or Edna Anderson.
SAVE THE DATES: Our 2024 women’s beach retreat is scheduled for January 26-28. Our program will be When You Pray. We will study prayers in the Bible that can inspire our own. We’ll learn that God welcomes our praise and lament, our thanksgiving and intercession. We’ll see examples of how to pray when we’re alone and when we’re gathered with others. Above all, we’ll discover there is no one right way to pray. As always, there will be food, fun and fellowship as we share our experiences and faith journeys with one another. Registration information will be available in the coming months.